Multimedia Signal Processing and Understanding Lab
The Multimedia Signal Processing and Understanding Lab (mmlab) deals with relevant aspects of multimedia data processing, focusing on both theoretical and application-driven research issues.
Since media can be considered as the technological extensions of human capabilities, particular attention is paid to smart multimedia data management, analysis, transmission, authentication and protection, and to those applications where ambient intelligence can provide advanced services beyond human limitations.
Group picture (summer 2021)
What's going on
Tutorial: Synthetic Data and Multimedia @ICIP 2023, Kuala Lumpur
By Nicola Conci and Niccolò Bisagno
Slides can be downloaded here
Congrats to AIS students Francesco Laiti and Davide Lobba one of the winners of Nreal Jam challenge!! They developed an At-Home Fitness AR applications, where a meta trainer guides the user to a correct and fully autonomous workout. A description of the app is available here!!
Giulia Boato is opening the NERD (Non è roba per donne?) project together with Prof. Barbara Poggio.
Check the event program!
Giulia Boato is giving a talk at the event "Presi nella rete - Web e nuove generazioni, diritti, rischi e opportunità", organized by Consiglio Nazionale Ordine Psicologi.
Don't miss the Facebook live on saturday November 20 at 10am!
Congrats to our Federica Lago!
She got awarded by the CNIT (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni) at the GTTI national meeting in Lecce for her ongoing PhD research
Giulia Boato has co-held a webinar on fake news and cybersecurity organized by the Associazione Stampa Romana.
The event is targeted to professional journalists and aims at raising awareness on the threats posed by the use of internet in their work.
The speakers line-up included:
On. Sandra Cioffi, presidente Consiglio Nazionale degli Utenti
Generale Leonardo Tricarico, presidente ICSA
Marco Braccioli, capodivisione Cyber fondazione ICSA
Giulia Boato, Responsabile Unità di Ricerca MEDIA LAB Universita di Trento
Corrado Giustozzi, giornalista, consulente strategico, docente, divulgatore di cybersecurity e sicurezza delle informazioni
Carlo Picozza, giornalista, Ordine dei Giornalisti del Lazio
Lazzaro Pappagallo, giornalista, segretario associazione stampa romana
Giulia Boato, together with Annalisa Verdoliva and Dasara Shullani, discusses the opportunities and threats of deepfakes at Radio CICAP!
Listen to the full interview.
Congrats to our Federica Lago and Andrea Montibeller, who got awarded for their presentations at the competition for PhD students organized during the ICT Days 2021!
Our PhD student Federica Lago got the Best Demo Award at the 2021 edition of the GTTI-SPS Thematic Meeting on Multimedia Signal Processing!
Her demo entitled "Can you spot synthetic faces?", co-authored by Cecilia Pasquini and Giulia Boato, has been awarded based on its originality, execution, and illustration of the core research idea.
Giulia Boato and Francesco De Natale talking on multimedia credibility assessment, fake images and videos, and forensics technologies: